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Writing / Community

Built as a community-driven destination for both professional chefs and food enthusiasts, ChefTalk.com needed a solid strategy to gain revenue opportunities from their growing list of 2,000 members. The online business sought to drive traffic into their newly launched store, as well as promote the patronage of site advertisers.

Integrated content and commerce
Copy editing of newsletters
Facilitation of live online events

Increased Revenue Opportunities
Working within the framework of the client's existing monthly e-mail newsletter, I wrote content that intertwined community elements with a soft-sell commerce approach. This highlighted store products to those who might not be aware of their availability, since the core of ChefTalk.com visitors were exclusively discussion forum users.

Celebrity Events
In addition, celebrity authors were featured in live chat events that attracted a global audience and sponsorships. I created a four-member chat management team to coordinate events in real-time, providing for greeters, moderators, technical assistance, and celebrity contact. The team remained behind the scenes, providing the user seamless interactions with the celebrity guests.

Directed Advertising
Targeted content from advertisers was also integrated into the live chat experience. Post-event chat transcripts created unique site content and promotion, while follow-up discussions provided rapid feedback from site patrons. These processes enabled ChefTalk.com to easily pursue future revenue opportunities.