Question of the Week
Flu Vaccine

Q: Are you prepared for flu season this year?

A: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports the flu season in the United States can range from November through March.

The influenza vaccine can be given before or during the flu season. Read on to dispel myths about the flu vaccine that may be preventing you from taking this very important step in preserving your health!

"The flu is just like a bad cold." = FALSE

Influenza (flu) is far more dangerous than a bad cold. It's a disease of the lungs, and it can lead to pneumonia. Each year about 114,000 people in the U.S. are hospitalized and about 20,000 people die because of the flu. Most who die are over 65 years old. But small children less than 2 years old are as likely as those over 65 to have to go to the hospital because of the flu.

"The shot can give you the flu." = FALSE

Flu vaccines are made from killed influenza viruses. These cannot give you the flu.

"Even if I get a flu shot, I can still get the flu." = MAYBE

This can happen, but the flu shot usually protects most people from the flu. However, the flu shot will not protect you from other viruses that can cause illnesses that sometimes feel like the flu.

"The vaccine isn't 100% effective, so I'm better off getting the flu." = FALSE

No vaccine is 100% effective. However, if you get a flu shot but still get the flu, you are likely to be far less sick than you would have been without the protection.

"The side effects are worse than the flu." = FALSE

The worst side effect you're likely to get is a sore arm. The risk of a rare allergic reaction is far less than the risk of severe complications from influenza.

"Not everyone can take the flu shot." = TRUE

If you are allergic to eggs (used in making the vaccine); are very ill with a high fever; or have had a severe reaction to the flu vaccine in the past, you might not be able to get this protection.

"Only the very old and sick need the flu shot." = FALSE

Both adults and children who are in good health need a flu shot to stay healthy. Even if you aren't at high risk of complications, you should get a flu shot to prevent the flu and to protect everyone you live with and contact.

"December is too late to get a flu shot." = FALSE

The flu shot can be given before or during the flu season. While the best time to get a flu shot is October or November, a flu shot in December or later will still protect you against the flu.

For more information: Ask your health care provider or call the CDC Immunization Information Hotline.

English: 1-800-232-2522
Espaņol: 1-800-232-0233

See our "Life Experiences" section of the Community Center to discuss the flu at

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